
I'm Lacey Garofano.

My hope is to help.

Through both professional and personal experience I have developed a thorough understanding of the documents I assist with. Personally, I have been a party in a divorce. I have been a party in a step-parent adoption, when my husband adopted our daughter. And I have been a party of a custody matter, when I obtained custody of my brother.

I understand how challenging it can be for a Pro Se Litigant to navigate the court system. I understand how necessary and life changing your legal pursuit can be. I understand how costly it is to pursue a legal matter when you’re not doing so pro se. I also understand not everyone has the ends, or the means, to take that route.

The word hope resonates with me. And through our business together, I hope to encourage the same for you. I like to think of hope as an acronym for "hold on pain ends". Something like, this too shall pass. Often, something can seem impossible until it happens. However that resonates with you, it is my HOPE to HELP.

Proud member of FALDP

FALDP - The Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers

I am a proud member of the Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers. We help consumers access the legal system by preparing documents, explaining procedure, and providing legal information. Visit FALDP to learn more.
